Ban List for July Event

While Commander is a diverse format in Magic the Gathering, there are a small number of cards that are unhealthy for the format. These cards will unfortunately have to be banned in order to foster a fun and enjoyable experience for players in the community. Be sure you do not add these cards into your... Continue Reading →

July EDH Event Rules and Point System

2 hours per round, with 2 rounds per day. Pods will be determined by random lot by the scorekeeper. Previous results will not affect this randomisation process. 4 days of tournament = 8 rounds in total, with top 4 cut off for final placings, option for 5th to 8th to battle for additional prizes if... Continue Reading →

EDH Committee Meeting 5

EDH Committee Meeting 5 24/6/20 Attendance: Rowan Fidel Derek Avinesh Jordi Jeff (first time) Nicholas Plus others? Please add as necessary. (good way to see who actually reads these) Jordi called meeting to order Apologies given for those absent: James, Wilson Meeting minutes approved Introduction of banlist document by Keith. Explained step by step each... Continue Reading →

EDH Committee Meeting 4

  18/06/2020 Meeting opened by jordi Meetings approved by committee seconded by james James announced that they have made contact with JAGS and have approved the program for July CM is keen for the second event for the second month of august  Prize structure will need to be forwarded to Khai regarding the first event... Continue Reading →

EDH Committee Meeting 3

11/6/20 Attendance Jordi - Lead Organizer James - Advisor Avinesh - Advisor Rowan - Committee Secretary Derek Nicholas  Izram Wilson Gene Fidel Tariq  Meeting was opened by Jordi. Rules were put in place by jordi regarding talking, and ensuring that no one speaks over one another.  Rules of engagement working group is talking to CM... Continue Reading →

20180624 – Classroom Commander Event 01

It's been awhile since we fired any Commander events en masse. But we are back with more decks, more combos, more synergy, and more fun (+ laughter) Given the release of Battleborn some people featured new commanders too. Pod 1: We have Imran from Classroom at the top left, me smiling at the camera, Mathilda... Continue Reading →

EDH Casual Deck Tech: O-Kagachi, Vengeful Kami 

  O-Kagachi was the mightiest Kami on Kamigawa. The soul of the world, The first kami, Old as the plane itself. A Dragon Spirit with 8 serpent heads around him. This deck is built heavily upon O-Kagachi's lore and the Plane of Kamigawa. So how are we going to build a deck based on the lore of Kamigawa? Kamigawa is rich in Spirit and Arcane type, so expect a lot of interaction with these keywords... Continue Reading →

Deck Tech: Omnath, Locus of Rage

Its diet consists of fruits, plants, small woodland animals, large woodland animals, woodlands, fruit groves, fruit farmers, and small cities. enormous Baloth It all began two years ago,i was looking to get into EDH and wanted to play my favorite color in the game,Green. naturally i had no idea where to begin so i decided... Continue Reading →

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