Code of Conduct

Our Vision is simple:

We want to help build a better world. To do so we believe in building an ever-growing EDH community that is inclusive and open. We believe not only in the freedom of will but also that our actions should not infringe on the freedom of will of other people.

Our Code is as follows:

  1. Be Civilized.
  • Do not harass other players;
  • Do not target or hate a particular player for no reason; and
  • Do not eliminate players too early in the game.
  1. Have Mutual Respect.
  • Shake hands and introduce yourself/your deck before/after matches, avoid racial jokes and discrimination, and refrain from using excessive foul languages;
  • Give everyone else a chance to play; and
  • Avoid unsociable behavior and promote positive interactions both in and out of the game.
  1. The Golden Rule.
  • What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others;
  • Do not rob others of the ability to play the game; and
  • Make games enjoyable both for others and yourself.
  1. See the Big Picture.
  • EDH is a casual multiplayer format where players strive to have fun;
  • Winning is not everything; and
  • Be the person that others would want to play with again.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We stand upon a metaphorical crossroad of choices. The easy downward path would be to grow without looking back, to add to our numbers without consideration and to assimilate without empathy. The difficult climb involves us leaving a legacy by building a community based on similar interest, mutual trust and mutual respect. We want diversity in our community but, more importantly, we want unity in that diversity. Perhaps one day, our children may be able to marvel at the community that we built and continue our good works for the generations to come.

Until that day comes, ask not what the EDH community can do for you; but instead, ask yourself what you can do for the EDH community.

Thank you.

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